Configuring alternat

Alternat can be configured at a global generator level or at the driver level with settings related to individual driver. We discuss configuration for both the generator and the driver for Application as well as Library mode below:

Configure Generator

Following configuration parameters are available for generator:

  1. DEBUG:

    Setting the debug value to true will generate confidence level value for each of the OCR line detected by the system. In the debug output, it gives the line height and its ratio compared to the image height. This information is useful if you want to tune confidence level threshold value for drivers and OCR line height to image height ratio for filtering out insignificant text in the image.


    Alternat comes with its own clustering rule which clusters (blobs) OCR data to create final OCR text from it. This is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting this value to false.

Application Mode:

You can find sample configuration for all the three drivers namely: opensource, azure, and google under “path-to-repo/sample/generator_driver_conf/<drivername>.json”. Inside the JSON file you will find the following configuration parameter: GENERATOR: {DEBUG: false, ENABLE_OCR_CLUSTERING: true}

Here is an example to use the generator configuration for driver with name <drivername>:

python generate --output-dir-path="results" --input-image-file-path="sample/images_with_text/sample1.png" --driver-config-file-path="sample/generator_driver_conf/<drivername>.json"

Where <drivername> is the name of the driver (opensource, azure or google)

Based on the setting for DEBUG and ENABLE_OCR_CLUSTERING in the sample/generator_driver_conf/<drivername>.json file the above command will generate the result and dump it inside “results” folder.

Library Mode:

In Library mode, you can directly interact with alternat library API to set the generator level config via a json object. Following is an example that will walk you through the same:

Once you have setup the alternat using “pip install alternat” you can open the python shell and run these commands to set generator config

# import the Generator library
from alternat.generation import Generator

# instantiate the Generator for opensource driver (you can pass “azure” or
# “google” when instantiating to the let the library know the driver you want
# to use.
generator = Generator()

# get the current generator settings
# This will return the existing configuration

# set debug to true
generator_config = {“DEBUG”: True}

# or disable OCR clustering
generator_config = {“ENABLE_OCR_CLUSTERING”: False}

# or set values for both the parameters in one go
generator_config = {“DEBUG”: True, “ENABLE_OCR_CLUSTERING”: False}

# run generator over an image and dump the output inside “results” folder
# this will run with DEBUG=true.
generator.generate_alt_text_from_file("sample/images_with_text/sample1.png", "results")

Configure Driver

Generator comes with 3 drivers:

  1. Opensource:

    Currently opensource drivers uses a pytorch based trained model for image captioning based on this repo It also uses EasyOCR for generating OCR text in case image have text in it. This is the default driver for generator, does not require any kind of registration and is free to use.

  2. Azure:

    Uses Azure computer vision API to describe an image, generate OCR and also provide labels to the image. To use this driver, you need to register for computer vision API from Microsoft which will give you the SUBSCRIPTION_KEY and ENDPOINT URL to access the API.

  3. Google:

    Uses Google computer vision API to generate OCR and provide labels to the image. To use this driver, you need to register for google computer vision API, download the google cloud service credentials file on your system and set the path to it in the driver configuration parameter ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_CREDENTIAL_FILE (will be discussed below)

The following generator driver settings are available:


    Decimal based threshold to filter out caption data. For example, if you only want captions with confidence level above say 70%, then set this value to 0.70. This is most useful when using “azure” as driver as Microsoft compute vision API has support for describing an image. This option is also used in opensource driver.


    Decimal based threshold to filter out OCR data. For example, if you want OCR text with confidence level about say 50%, then set this value to 0.50.


    Decimal based threshold to filter out label data. For example, if you want labels with confidence level about say 80%, then set this value to 0.80. This is useful when using google and azure driver as both the APIs have support for labelling image.


    Decimal based threshold to filter out OCR text which does not occupy a major portion of image and is practically irrelevant even if detected by the system. This threshold considers the ratio of the height of the text and the image to decide whether the text needs to be filtered out or not. For example, if you want OCR data only when the line height is greater than let’s say 1.5% then set this value to 0.015 in the config.


    This is the subscription key for azure computer vision API, and is only required when using azure as the driver.


    This is the API endpoint URL for azure computer vision API, and is only required when using azure as the driver.


    This enables rate limiting when using azure driver in free account. Azure has a limit of 30 requests / minute in free tier account and when running alternat over a set of images this limit can hit very quickly. Alternat avoids this by sleeping for 30 sec by default and trying again. This setting is enabled by default. This setting is only required when using azure as the driver.


    This is the rate limit time in sec. Alternat will sleep for these many seconds (30 by default) when azure rate limiting is reached in free tier account. To increase the sleep timer from 30 to say 40 seconds, set the value of this parameter to 40. This setting is only required when using azure as the driver.


    This setting holds the absolute path to the google credentials file (required to access the Google cloud services and computer vision API). This setting is only required when using google as the driver.

Let’s see how to configure the above parameters in both the application and library mode.

Application Mode:

You can find sample configuration for all the three drivers namely: opensource, azure, and google under “path-to-repo/sample/generator_driver_conf/<drivername>.json”. Inside the configuration file, you find all the parameters above with default values already set. To change these values and run generator use the following command:

python generate --output-dir-path="results" --input-image-file-path="sample/images_with_text/sample1.png" --driver-config-file-path="sample/generator_driver_conf/<drivername>.json"

Where <drivername> is the name of the driver (opensource, azure or google)

Library Mode:

Once you have setup the alternat using “pip install alternat” you can open the python shell and run these commands to set generator config:

# import the Generator library
from alternat.generation import Generator

# instantiate the Generator for opensource driver (you can pass “azure” or
# “google” when instantiating to the let the library know the driver you want
# to use.

# for opensource
generator = Generator()

# or for azure
generator = Generator(“azure”)

# or for google
generator = Generator(“google”)

# get the current generator driver settings
# This will return the existing configuration based on the driver

# set threshold value for caption, OCR and label
generator. generator.set_driver_config (generator_driver_config)

generator_driver_config = {"OCR_HEIGHT_RATIO_TO_IMAGE_THRESHOLD":0.015}
generator. generator.set_driver_config (generator_driver_config)

# or set subscription key and endpoint URL for azure
generator_driver_config = {"SUBSCRIPTION_KEY": "yoursubscriptionkey", "ENDPOINT":"https://<ENTER_PROJECT_NAME>"}
generator. generator.set_driver_config (generator_driver_config)

# run generator over an image and dump the output inside “results” folder
# this will run with DEBUG=true.
generator.generate_alt_text_from_file("sample/images_with_text/sample1.png", "results")

Configure Web API

Web API use opensource driver by default. Both application mode and Web API internally rely on the alternat library. To configure Web API for different driver and configuration the following changes are required:

  1. Navigate to api folder.

  2. Locate file Here you will see the Generator being instantiated (just like in library mode).

  3. Use the samples from Library Mode section under Configure Driver to configure web API using alternat library.

Here is an example to say change the driver to azure. In,

# find the following statement
generator = Generator()

# for azure, change the statement to this
generator = Generator(“azure”)

# following statements change the driver specific configuration
# add this to set subscription key and endpoint URL for azure
generator_driver_config = {"SUBSCRIPTION_KEY": "yoursubscriptionkey", "ENDPOINT":"https://<ENTER_PROJECT_NAME>"}

# add this to update the threshold value for caption, OCR and label

generator_driver_config = {"OCR_HEIGHT_RATIO_TO_IMAGE_THRESHOLD":0.015}

# add this to set the configuration